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How to Manage Stress

Stress is an inevitable emotional component that we all need to face almost every day in our life, and that affects us both psychologically and physically. However, we should focus on understanding how to manage stress in our life. It is crucial how we encounter stress and how we cope up with different stressors all around us. Before proceeding further with the analysis of how to manage stress, you need to have a clear understanding about stress and its impact on your life.

Stress and Its Impact

Stress refers to such conditions when all of our emotional awareness gets centralized to a certain point of anxiety and tension. Not necessarily each and every experience of stress is bad for us, for example, stress before marriage; however, prolonged stress is found to be harmful to our health, whether it be a positive or a negative one. Say, for example, you are working as a grant writer on freelance basis. You are earning quite handsomely. However, you find that earning and work is directly proportionate and you can earn as much as you can work.

Gradually, you put extra effort to make your earning higher. It is good to take stress up to certain point. It will enhance your potentiality. But when you simply forget to stop working till you get fully exhausted, that means you simply forget to prioritize between your health and work. No matter what, it won't run for too long time. The result is the breakdown of health and the occurrence of health hazards associated with stress such as headache, fatigue, exhaustion, irritation, anger, depression, cardiac complications and many more. So, as we can understand, at any point of our life we need to know how to manage stress in order to maintain a healthy balance in our life.

Combating with Stress

The first important thing is to remember that stress is a truly individualized experience. What seems stressful to me may not seem stressful to you. So the pattern of management should essentially be individualized. However, here in this article, we are discussing some common modes of operation that are generally used for managing stress.

The modern world demands for time management. If you cannot manage your time properly, it is highly likely that you will not be able to avoid experiencing stress in your life. Therefore, to know how to manage stress you must first know how to manage your time. The most important rule of time management is priority setting. You should know how to set priority to your task. Consider the above example, what do you suggest? What should be your action before you get overstressed totally? Yes, you need to take a break and relax. If you have been working under stress for prolonged hour, it is always advisable that you should give yourself time to relax. It will help your body and mind to take rest and get recharged once again.

The next important thing that comes in line is setting up realistic goal in life. It is true even for little works. Say, your daughter is capable of attempting 10 math problems in an hour, whereas you compel her to attend at least 25 per hour, it means you are simply making her overstressed. The result may come out apparently better, say with an attempt for 13 math problems in an hour, in short term span, but the situation will be deteriorating in long term span resulting in anger, anxiety, frustration, depression and lack of self-esteem. All of these are integral parts of stress. At this point, as you can understand, you need to know how to manage stress by setting up realistic goal. You may work out on step by step basis with an option to absorb more if potentiality allows.

Hence if you are serious about how to manage stress, you need to remember three essential key points. These are - arrange time to relax, set up realistic goal and prioritize your task.

Dr John Anne is an herbal specialist with years of experience and extensive research on herbs and alternative health. If you are looking for more information, read about How to Overcome Stress at is the World's Largest Alternative Health Portal. You can also Participate in Health Questions & Answers, Discussion Forums and Blogs. If you are worried about your pet's Health then visit Dog and Cats Aggression


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