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Falling in love is not hard on the knees anymore but sometimes the knees need support. Are you willing to commit to support one another through thick and through thin?

Commitment phobia is not common just with Casanovas and swinging spinsters but it has spread over to more people in relationships.

The expectations of our family and friends can exert a lot of influence over what you think and want. If everyone around you is married or committed for life, then you would automatically feel the pressure. But you need to look objectively at the reality of the situation beyond the cultural mould. Try to analyze the situation by drawing the line between expectations and what really makes you happy, then you can develop a fresher perspective.

Certain misinterpretations and experiences can develop a fear towards commitment and marriage as a whole. Before guessing that your partner will freak out when you start talking about marriage, go into his or her mind and also guess that it might be fear of losing you that is the driving force behind it.

You need to talk frankly with one another about your relationship and your fears. You might just discover your preconceived assumptions about one another's behaviour. He might be afraid of commitments because he knows you want tie him down or maybe the required trust and reassurance has not yet developed.

Give it some thought - what commitment means to you? It doesn't matter whether the both of you are two or six months in a relationship. If he or she constantly disappoints you and can't even commit to dinner or drinks over the weekend then the signals are quite clear - You have to move on.


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