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Book Review

Spiritual Prescription. Every Man Is Not a Dog. Talk to God and ask HIM to prepare your heart to receive the man HE has for you.

The author dedicates her book to her man, Bishop Spencer Jones.

So many of us miss "Whose Mande Is This"? and wind up with "This Man Will Do." Pastor Jones later told the author that he had not heard any one pray with such fervor before, and that was what attracted him to her.

It was Spencer Jones who pursued the relationship with the author, and that is the way God's Word planned it should be. God will send your man to you. You do not have to chase him down(Proverbs 18:22).

It has been said that each of us has at least four basic needs:

(1) We are somebody

(2) We have the need for others to accept us as we are and feel comfortable in their love as they encourage us to become the best we can be.

(3) We need to have a purpose for living

(4) We need to feel secure in that purpose

What started out as a perfect plan for marriage with Adam and Eve has now ended up with countless lonely people who are wondering if there will ever be a time when lasting relationships between two committed persons are possible.

The struggle of identifying and breaking free of the loneliness that keeps us pursuing unhealthy relationships is not easy. It is important that you realize there is a great difference in being alone and being lonely. One can find peace in being alone, not in being lonely.

In the Old Testament, a man named Job asked some very important questions about man. The trials he had gone through had brought him to a place of despair. Job's dilemma led him to ask questions. (Job 7:17-18)

Let's examine this creature called man:

a. A man is very good because he was originally created in the image of God.

b. A man is a free moral being who deliberately choose how he respects the ways of God, cares for himself, and love others.

c. A man is created to work.

d. A man is designed to connect with God first through Salvation and, then, through his continual hunger for the fruits of the Spirit.

The Biblical Account of how God created man is found in Genesis, the first book of the Bible (Genesis 1:26-28).

When God created woman from man, he also gave him the pleasure and responsiblity of taking care of her.

Just because a man has issues (as we all do), it does not give him the right to behave in a manner that goes against the image God originally ordained.

If the man has a genuine relationship with God, he will not be afraid to make a genuine lifetime commitment to you.

There was a gentleman on the airplane with the author and her husband who got angry with his companion and loudly talked to her in front of everyone. He called her names. The author thought to herself, "Lord, I thank you for a man who, even when he has a right to be angry, tries to handle it in a way that would bring glory and honor to you." It is important that you have a man who knows how to respect the ways of God, cares for himself, and love others as he loves himself.

Let's examine your current relationship. Does his life truly reflect the character of Christ?

Food For Thought:

What do you suppose God would have said about your relationship if you had asked him before getting involved?

Society has changed, God's laws regarding relationships that promote a healthy society have not.

Let's closely examine what God commands Moses in the Bible about relationships -- Leviticus 18:16-24.

The original purpose of this passage was to safeguard the children of Israel's relationship with God, it also highlights the importance God has placed on establishing and maintaining appropriate boundaries in relationships.

As a teenager the author was a victim of sexual abuse. She shares she was threatened not to tell anyone -- and she did not --- at least not right away.

Her uncle got into trouble with the law and had to leave running. Her mom comforted her and educated her on how to protect herself if anyone else tried to bother her again.

Like the author many women must face challenges before they can move forward in pursuing healthy relationships with men.

It took some time before she could trust men. She realized that every man is not a dog.

The author believes that there is nothing on earth like a woman, and the3 power she has is awesome. The author shares a wise woman knows how to use what God says she has.

There is healing power in the act of forgiveness. God forgave the author, and she was able to forgive someone else. Scripure says that from those to much is given, much will be required (Luke 12:48).

Healthy relationships don't just happen.

Talk to God and ask HIM to prepare your heart to receive the man HE has for you ------ pray.

Discouragement comes from being broken, bruised, crushed, or oppressed.

Elijah became discouraged after an awesome victory because of a simple comment from a woman named Jezebel (I Kings 19:1-4).

God sent an angel to help Elijah, and HE will send help for us in our time of discouragement (I Kings 19:5-7).

How you physically present your body on the outside gives men their first impression of you. Many times it will determine the types of men you will attract.

Biblical characters were drawn to or captivated by women in each scripture (Genesis 12:15, Genesis 34:2,Genesis 38:15, II Kings 4:25, Song of Solomon 6:9-10).

The woman in each scripture was worthy of a second look, a promotion, a character demotion, or was worthy of future attention and concern because of what each man saw.

You Reap What You Sow:

Sow forgiveness you will receive it when you need it the most.

Sow kindness and others will be kind to you.

Sow meanness and meanness you will receive.

Sow unstrained anger, and you will receive the unstrained anger with the interest it pays.



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